Sustainable Design Success.
More than 20% of urban trees planted across Australian councils fail in their first 5 years. Tree Coach® – the gym for young trees, is an award-winning and design leading tree staking planting solution that can reduce the tree failure rate for your project.
Why Tree Coach is a Sustainable Design Success.
Tree Coach® is the gym for young trees. The GrowFlex Technology® means the stakes are flexible, allowing the tree to move with the wind, improving root ball development, trunk calliper and taper.
The multiple award-winning product design drives best practice planting that delivers stronger tree assets for more sustainable and efficient community and council projects.
The product’s symmetry gives consistency so that your original designed vision and intent can be executed in a more efficient and effective process.
Tree Coach® is sustainably designed and manufactured in Australia from locally recovered kerbside waste.
Every component is fully recyclable again, closing the loop from cradle to cradle.
Why? Sustainability is tomorrow’s future.
Specifying Tree Coach® empowers architects, arborists and contractors alike to take the lead in establishing natural assets to their full potential, while exceeding sustainability goals and driving innovation and best practice from the ground up.

Tree Coach™
Aesthetically designed for your specification.
Tree Coach™
Aesthetically designed for your specification.
Design emphasis for success.
We understand how important it is for your design vision and intent to actually become a reality on site. We believe the following design emphasis drives your project success.
Hence, we invested 5 years of R&D, sustainability focus, product and design innovation to create Tree Coach® for your project.
Design Appeal
Environmental Sustainability
Planting Success
Reduced Failure & Maintenance
Design Appeal
Natural tree assets help to deliver the full potential of an open space. Tree Coach® offers a more natural and healthier tree development, improving crown cover for more shade in public areas, with healthier growth delivering better long-term community assets. Creating spaces that keep on giving to people, requires design aesthetics and consistency that rejuvenate the community and asset users. Tree Coach® allows to plant more consistently, as tree stake symmetry is ensured through the Tree Coach frame, therefore delivering better design appeal.
Environmental Sustainability
Cutting trees to stake trees is not sustainable, especially as wooden tree stakes release carbon into the atmosphere. Tree Coach® is an Australian-made planting solution manufactured from recycled and locally recovered kerbside waste. The Growflex Technology® improves tree health as it delivers better and more natural root ball development. Healthier trees add to the desired urban tree canopy and assist in reduction of urban heat islands as improved tree coverage cools the urban climate. Tree Coach® is an opportunity to take the lead in environmental sustainability.
Planting Success
Reduced Failure & Maintenance
The Tree Coach gym effect delivers tree failure rates as low as 2% compared to projects that often run at around 10% failure rate in the first 2 years of planting. Furthermore, Tree Coach trains the tree to develop stronger roots in its early years, to sustain the tree for its future life cycle. Tree Coach captures and saves water, as the water is delivered more directly to the root zone, hence increasing watering efficiency. Lastly, the new planting method requires wider excavation for the base frame, therefore also providing the best environment for root system growth, leading improved caliper development and tree trunk taper for a reduced failure and maintenance.
Assisting your design process through
Drawing Details
Sustainable Design Success through easy access to updated architectural drawings for your plans.
"I strained my back through overhead tree stake ramming 20 years ago, that's why it's a yes to Tree Coach for better workplace safety. Tree Coach provides the answer."
Senior Arborist
Melbourne's North
"I applaud NGP for developing the Tree Coach device, for use wherever support is required. It’s an ideal option compared to traditional staking. I have been thinking about practical alternatives to conventional staking for years – and NGP’s Tree Coach provides the answer."
Bryan Gould
Coordinator Parks and Open Space Services, City of Gold Coast
"We need to successfully establish urban trees at a time of climate change. Staking trees can be problematic so any advances in technology, such as Tree Coach, which minimise damage to trees and foster better trunk and canopy development are to be applauded. I look forward to more research into and further development of staking systems."
Dr Gregory Moore
Former Principal of Burnley College of the Institute of Land Food Resources of Melbourne University
Selecting Tree Coach™ has far-reaching benefits.
Selecting Tree Coach over traditional tree staking techniques has a range of benefits for trees, workers and the community.
Flexible stakes that nurture growth
Instead of restricting growth with rigid stakes, Tree Coach’s Growflex™ technology allows trees to be tested and strengthened by the wind, encouraging better caliper, stem taper and consequential root development.
Precise planting, enhanced tree health
While with other forms of tree staking, the quality of the plant depends on the skill of the worker, Tree Coach’s all-in-one structure means that correct tree planting isn’t left up to chance. This results in the healthy development of trees, and a more consistent aesthetic across the entire planting project.

Water efficiencies
and savingsWith other staking methods, water inefficiencies can occur from inconsistent water volume, as well as from varied soil berm sizes. With Tree Coach, its built-in watering ring helps manage water efficiently from nature to the tree.
Environmentally sustainable and responsible
While wooden stakes often rot in the ground and can’t be reused, Tree Coach stakes - made from recycled kerbside waste - are reusable. The upper ring, once removed, can be recycled.
A safer and more efficient planting process
Unlike other tree staking processes, Tree Coach doesn’t require heavy ramming equipment for installation and is lightweight to transport, lowering safety risks for workers.
Case study: Real and lasting results in nature.
500 trees over 18 months
Specify Tree Coach®
to realise your desired design emphasis.
Reduce the failure rate for your project. Tree Coach delivers design consistency in your open space and helps you to deliver sustainable, symmetrical and best practice planting results.